World of Jade

History of Jade in Guatemala

Jade has a long history of more than 3,000 years in Mesoamerica, the area covered by the countries of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.  Ancient civilizations appreciated the jadeite jade stones as ornaments, tools, and burial artifacts. The first civilization to use jadeite jade were the Olmecs, Maya and Aztecs, and jade figured prominently in many myths and folktales. This stone is reputed to bring beauty and long life to the wearer. Some Eastern traditions insist that it also brings wealth and good fortune.

'JADE' is a generic term which describes two different silicate rocks: 'Jadeite', which is classified as a Pyroxene, and 'Nephrite', which is classified as an Amphibole.Though superficially similar, they are quite different in terms of their mineralogical characteristics. Jadeite is the harder and denser of the two, and possesses a rich and brilliant range of colors. Nephrite is a carving quality stone, found in many places of the world. Guatemalan jade is jadeite.

Jadeite and Nephrite

Nephrite and Jadeite are both white in their pure state. All colors of jade (from light greens to black) are created by natural slight inclusions of other minerals or metals such as chromium, copper, cobalt , nickel, iron and titanium. 

Because of its rarity, jadeite is the most precious form of jade. It was highly prized by the ancient Maya kings and Chinese emperors. During the colonial period, Spaniards described jade as "piedra de ijada" (stone for the loins or kidneys) and over time, the word "ijada" became "jade".

Guatemalan Jadeite Re-Discovery

Our Olmec, Maya and Aztec ancestors, lived in Mesoamerica and they used the same mining zones to make precious pieces of jewelry and burial artifacts. After the Spanish conquest began, the knowledge of the jade sources was lost for 500 years. The Ridingers discovered the lost source in 1974.

National Geographic wrote several articles in different editions about Mary Lou Ridinger's discoveries. Other well known media has covered the story behind the Guatemalan jadeite jade discovery, such as: Discovery ChannelCNN iReport, New York Times, Lapidary Journal, among others.

If you are  interested in the story behind Maya jadeite jade, we recommend you to read the book:  “Stone of Kings” by Gerard Helferich. In “Stone of Kings” you may find an accurate modern interpretation. Here is a link to a book review published in the Wall Street Journal.


Jade has been a symbol of love and virtue for thousands of years. Referred to as the virtuous stone, has prevailed for thousands of years as a symbol of divine love, purity and status. It is also associated with justice, compassion, humility, generosity and emotional balance. 

It aids in the understanding of dreams and teaches us to live in harmony with nature and spirit. It exudes a gentle, steady energy and is incapable of absorbing negativity.  It also provides protection and assists in attracting good luck. 

Jade augments longevity, fertility, serenity, wisdom, it will assist in finding and maintaining moderation, equilibrium and stability, helpful for maintaining detachment in stressful situations. 

It also assists a person to reach their full potential. According to ancestral wisdom Jade has the property of healing the lungs, heart, immune system, nervous system and detoxifies kidneys and blood. 

Jade has protective qualities; it is used for longevity and for protection away from home. It can be relaxing and harmonizing. This cooling stone is said to stimulate profound thought and healing meditation. Sometime jade is placed in the bathtub as a calming influence. Is an ancient love-attracting stone.

Jade is a sacred stone to both the Chinese and the Maya. This stone is said to bless everything it touches. It evokes wisdom, peace, harmony and devotion to one’s higher purpose. Said to be a “dream stone”, jade placed under one’s pillow helps in lucid dreaming. It helps the wearer to find their life path and manifest dreams into reality. 


Jade is worn to attract love, or give to another in the hope of obtaining love. Wear this stone to help the body heal itself, while working through the underlying non-physical problems that caused the disease. It is used to promote long life and used to prevent diseases and health problems. Wear it while gardening to improve the health of plants. Wear it to promote prosperity and to draw money to you. Use this stone to make proper business decisions. It strengthens reasoning and mental faculties. It guards against accident and mishaps. The Maya and Chinese believed that by covering the corpses of their rulers they would become immortal. Wear it to prevent others from imposing their will on you. Native Americans used jade to heal all ailments associated with Kidneys as well as with childbirth. Jade may be worn when treating gallstones, the lungs, the heart, and the throat as well. It is thought to prolong life and bring abundant riches to the wearer.

Powers of Jade

Jade. love, healing, longevity, protection, wisdom, money and prosperity.

Imperial Jade. symbolizes status and immortality. It is a good gift for your emperor or empress. It is the most valuable gem in the world.

White Jade. Symbolizes purity and virtue. It is a wonderful gift to give your daughter or new baby.

Black Jade. Symbolizes power, 3000 years ago Emperor YU of China used black jade tablets to control the waters of the floods. Whoever controls the waters of the floods controls China. Black jade is the ultimate power gift to give an executive.

Green Jade. Symbolizes life, breath, fertility and eternity. It is the perfect gift for a wedding, anniversary or birthday.

Purple Jade. Symbolizes love, dreams, spirituality, romance and hope. It is a beautiful gift for the one you love.

Blue Jade. Symbolizes truth and vision, ideas, thought and inspirations. It is a great gift for your teacher and mentor.

Galactic Gold Jade. Symbolizes the magic of the cosmos and the mystery of the universe. It is an amazing gift for explorers searching the wonders of the universe. It is Jadeite with 7 different metallic inclusions.
